This is an image of a pupil in an english lesson

School Curriculum

Our curriculum is rooted in our vision and ethos which arises from the parable of the mustard seed.

As a church school, we aim to provide opportunities to recognise and develop every aspect of the individuals in our community – academic, physical, mental, spiritual and creative, leading to our mission statement: ‘Gather – Learn – Grow - Flourish’.

Our ethos and mission explain how we, as a school community, have chosen to aim high without limits in both our learning and development, taking on risks and challenges together.

From this foundation come our core Christian values – courage, respect, gratitude, resilience, compassion and responsibility. In whatever learning, lesson or activity in which the children are engaged, we endeavour to promote these key values. Our vision, ethos and values are the starting blocks from which we develop and deliver our curriculum.

At Heytesbury, we offer a curriculum which is rooted in high-expectations and ambition for all our pupils. Our primary goal is to deliver richly connected knowledge and skills which equip our pupils for their futures, in education and in life.  

Our curriculum is planned sequentially, with key knowledge, vocabulary and skills mapped out, ensuring teachers, pupils and families are clear about what they are expected to learn, when they will learn it and how they will learn.  

Through our curriculum, we aim to broaden the children’s knowledge and understanding of the wider world. Our pupils should also have opportunities to experience and express themselves through arts, music and design, as well as participating in high-quality sport and P.E, alongside daily worship.  

We value our sense of community and want our pupils to feel a sense of belonging and pride in their school

In summary, our curriculum sits at the heart of our vision that children at Heytesbury will 'Gather – Learn - Grow - Flourish'.  


Our curriculum intent 

As a school, our intent is to offer a curriculum that not only encompasses the formal requirements of the National Curriculum, but goes beyond the experiences of the classroom to ensure our children are exposed to the richest and most varied opportunities that we can provide. We aim to design a curriculum that ensures coverage and progression; providing memorable holistic learning through a variety of different teaching methods and experiences allowing the children to learn and develop transferable skills.

Our aim is to develop the whole child as they journey through our school so each individual may flourish.  Our links with the church help us to promote, develop and reinforce SMSC, to nurture the children’s empathy and appreciation of all individual. We want our children to be ready for life in a modern and rapidly changing Britain, being able to make a positive contribution to their community and to wider society, whilst having an understanding of looking after our world as a whole.


Knowledge, Skills and Vocabulary

We are designing our curriculum with pupils’ long-term learning and development at its heart. We recognise that a balanced curriculum has to set out clear expectations of the facts, vocabulary and skills required for pupils to build a broad base of knowledge, through which deeper learning can be cultivated. The curriculum content is being developed to make clear links within and across disciplines as well as opportunities to recap, revisit and expand on content.

We recognise that prior knowledge and recall are important factors in the retention and building of long-term learning. We are setting out clear subject specific knowledge and skills that pupils are expected to master, in order that teachers can confidently build and progress ideas covered previously.

Cultural Capital

We aim to ensure pupils enjoy learning and feel prepared for life after school. We also intend to offer our pupils important cultural experiences through extra-curricular activities, educational visits and visitors, designed to build a cultural capital and an appreciation of global and national life.

The Local Community

The local community of which the school is a part, is a crucial element of our curriculum development. By rooting our curriculum in the community and the local area and building it through to a global level the curriculum will hold more relevance. Our school values the input of its pupils, parents and the local community with regards to the planning and delivery of the curriculum. We believe pupils get a well-rounded education if everyone is involved in shaping it.

Equality of access

Our curriculum will be delivered in accordance with the Equality Act 2010. Our aim is that every child will access the curriculum in its entirety, with content, access and expectations adapted for pupil’s developmental needs.

If you wish to find out anything more about our curriculum please get in touch with us through one of the ways shown on the Contact page.