Contact Us
Headteacher: Laura Williamson
Heytesbury CofE Primary SchoolHigh Street, Heytesbury, Warminster, BA12 0EATel: 01985 840429
For all enquiries about our school, or to ask for a free copy of any document shown on our website, please contact our Admin Officer, Emma Williams, using the contact details above.
Please be advised our school phoneline is not manned between 12.15 and 14.15 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, on a Wednesday afternoon the phoneline is not manned between 12.15 and 15.15. During these times please contact the school office via email.
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Head Teacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL): Miss Laura Williamson
Tel:01985 840429
SENCo: Miss Lucy Graham: contact via the school office
Interim Chair of Governors: Sue Bale
Data Protection Officer (Judicium Consulting Limited) - lead contact: Craig Stilwell
Tel:0203 326 9174