This is an image of 2 pupils in an art class



At Heytesbury C of E Primary School our intent is that children should experience and value art in a range of different forms, recognising its place in the articulation of faith, spirituality and meaning. We recognise that art should engage, inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment and create their own works of art. As pupils progress, they should be more able to think critically and develop an understanding of art. They should also know how art reflects our history, and contributes to the culture, creativity and wealth of our nation and the world in which we live. Our art curriculum, develops learning and results in pupils knowing more and understanding how that knowledge and skill can be applied to their own artwork.


The school uses the 2014 National Curriculum and EYFS Curriculum for directing the teaching of art. Across every school year the children look at drawing, painting and sculpture. We use elements of the Kapow art scheme of work to support the teaching of these three artistic disciplines. The school implements a clear and comprehensive progression of the skills outlined in the National Curriculum. Children have access to key knowledge, skills and language that they can readily apply to their own works of art and across the wider curriculum.

Art is taught termly blocks, alternating with DT, this enable children to focus on either art or DT each term. The art units of work are intrinsically linked to important artists or movements. Skills and prior knowledge are built upon and revisited throughout the school.


Through the carefully structured curriculum and high quality teaching, we expect the outcomes to be effective. Children will retain knowledge about their focus artist or movement for each unit of work, remember their knowledge and understand how to use it and apply the skills demonstrated in their own artwork. This will enable children to succeed and achieve their age related expectations.